SCENE I - The Diet of Worms
SCENE II - The Cause is Thine
SCENE III - A Mighty Fortress
SCENE IV - Captured
. SCENE V - They have Taken Him Away
SCENE VI - Where Can I Be/SCENE VII - A Strange Prisoner
None Other Lamb
SCENE VIII - I Feel the Grief
SCENE IX - Did We In Our Own Strength Confide
SCENE X - A Cartload of Vestal Virgins
SCENE XI - Munster Has Aroused the Peasants
SCENE XII - Domestic Service
SCENE XIII - Aus Tiefer Not
SCENE XIII - Aus Tiefer Not
SCENE XIV - I’ve Decided to Marry Catherine
SCENE XV - Sing! ‘Tis the Dawn of a Bright New Day
SCENE XVI - I’m Determined to Make Moses, German
SCENE XVII - Trapped Between the Devil and God
SCENE XVIII - God Has Brought Him Back!
SCENE XIX - Vom Himmel Hoch
I Think I’m Beginning to Love You
SCENE XX - Magdalenchen
SCENE XX – We Must Hold Him to His Promises
I Thirst for You, O God
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
God Has Much to Do in His Church
SCENE I - The Charioteer of Israel Has Fallen
SCENE II - Tapestry Reprise
SCENE III - A Mighty Fortress Reprise